Friday, November 18, 2011

Road Trip and a Turkey Coma

Thanksgiving break is upon us here on campus. Time to take off for a week and mooch off my parents for free food and laundry. Yay for family gatherings! My uncles and cousins will pop the hood of my van, or in this case, the front seats, and fix as many problems as they can. My Mom, aunts, sisters, and grandma will chat in the kitchen and sip on eggnog we spiked when Grandma wasn't looking. We will play poker till dawn and have biscuits and gravy for breakfast every morning. We will play horse shoes and listen the Christmas music. We will go out dancing and sing every song we know at full volume. I will have three square meals a day, snacks in between, midnight snacks, walk away ten pounds heavier with armloads of freshly washed clothes, and I didn't have to pay for any of it. I love going home to see the family.

So the departure time is 0600, though it will more likely be 0930. My projected eta is before 1600. I have a long trip ahead of me. Mr. Miyagi is packed, clean, and ready. Tomorrow we will depart before dawn with four piles of dirty laundry, two cats, and two girls. This is Mr. Miyagi's second road trip and he is in excellent condition due to his recent operation (more on that later). I am optimistic.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and if you are travelling, travel safely. I will try to post despite the inevitable turkey coma. Even though it is cheesy, try to take a moment and think about what you're thankful for. I am thankful for Mr. Miyagi, my friends, my family, my cat, and my new found material liberty. Thank you to all the pioneers and gypsies who went before me. It is truly a joy to feel so free.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun and love on the family !!
